About the Project
„The project is funded from the Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway Grants provided through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and from the State Budget of the Slovak Republic“
„Co-funded from the State Budget of the Slovak Republic“
Project name: Patrič Restoration (RePar)
Final beneficiary: Town of Trebišov, M. R. Štefánika 862/204, 075 25 Trebišov
Partner of project: Muzeum a Kulturne centrum južného Zemplína Trebišov
The amount of the project grant: 668 026,00 EUR
Project initiated in: 11/2014
Time of project completion: 4/2017
Apart from the historical restoration of Parič Castle (static stability of the brick wall and careful reconstruction of its missing parts), the project aims at better infrastructure in order to significantly improve the accessibility of the castle to the public. Special attention is paid to the modification of access roads and paths leading to the ruins so as to make them accessible and easy to reach not only for the majority of visitors but especially for those with limited mobility or sense of direction, i. e. to those in wheelchairs, elderly, pregnant women or those with children in pushchairs.
Due to the above-stated reasons, the project was named 'Parič Restoration' as it covers the landmark itself, its statical stability and conservation on one hand and the area around it, with which the castle used to form an organic unit on the other. The abbreviation of the project, i. e. 'RePar' is perceived by the town of Trebišov as a new chance for the community to pay more attention to Parič Castle as a historical landmark of national significance.
One of the project major benefits is the impressive lighting of the Parič ruins, which enables visitors (especially the target groups) to have a worthwhile visual experience.
The information system consists of appropriately installed notice boards of uniform graphic design made of high-quality and long-life materials. The notice boards of the information system are placed so as to be easily identifiable in the park area but at the same time so as not to disturb visitors in this authentic environment of exceptional significance.
The project helped to save a landmark of local significance and, from several professional perspectives (bricks as the dominant building material, layout, location in a lowland area) of a unique character. This will be made available to basically any group of visitors, including those with limited mobility.
The project consists of three basic stages:
- Conservation of the ruins of Parič Castle;
- Main path - the path leading from the historical entrance gate of the park to the lake towards Parič Castle;
- Access path - the path going around the Mausoleum of Count Gyula Andrássy towards Parič Castle.
Some interesting indicators of the project:
- New brickwork added and the existing treated - total volume of 261 m3
- New stonework added and the existing one treated - total volume of 66 m3
- Number of the old bricks with verified frost resistance used at Parič Castle 88 000 ks