Area around the Castle
Close to the castle, there is a beautiful city park that is the largest in Central Europe, a Baroque-Classicist manor house and the neo-Gothic Mausoleum of Count Gyula Andrássy.
The fact that this sight is located in the authentic cultural and historical environment of quite a cosy atmosphere of this district centre is the benefit, which does not apply to any other historical sights of a similar type.
Town Park
The historical park in Trebišov is one of the key pieces of evidence of social and cultural atmosphere of the past centuries. At the same time it shows the ethical relationship of the past, current and future generations.
The area, where the park stands today used to be a floodplain forest and it was gradually extended to 62 hectares. There is historical and self-seeded flora consisting of needle-leaved and broad-leaved trees, shrubs and plants in the park. Very valuable is, for example, English yew. Quite widespread are thuja occidentalis, thuja orientalis, Norway spruce, Colorado spruce etc. The most significant broad-leaved tree of the park is London plane tree, horse-chestnut, bird tree, common ash-tree, common oak, durmast oak, common beech, common hornbeam, field elm, small-leaved lime, common alder, black locust, different types of maple and locust trees etc.
The beginnings of park landscaping date back to the last third of the 18th century and are connected with the construction of the Trebišov manor house. Trebišov Park was mostly beneficial to the town thanks to the fact that in the last two centuries it isolated and protected historically valuable buildings and parts of the town against uncontrolled construction activities and that it created a valuable environment containing rare tree species in the centre of the town.
Baroque-Classicist Manor House
The construction of a neo-Baroque and later on a Classicist-style manor house was ordered by Imrich Csáky in 1786. It is a two-storey building constructed 100 years after Parič Castle destruction. A part of the castle building material was used for manor house construction.
The manor house has two Baroque side towers built in the last third of the 19th century on its façade. The façade of the building is articulated by plaster strips and the dominant features of the building are its Baroque gable and main balcony supported by eight Classicist columns. There is a three-dimensional coat of arms of the Csáky family in the Baroque gable of the central salient. Parallel to the coat of arms, there is also a three-dimensional sign symbolising hunting. Considering the fact given, the manor house probably served for hunting events.
The back part of the manor house formed by two side wings with gable façades has the character of an honorary courtyard. Inside the manor house, original mosaic parquet flooring, inlaid historical furniture, valuable art collections, sculptures, expensive artworks, woven curtains, valuable carpets, china, silverware, tinware and other upmarket products can be found. Other things to see are, for instance, forged bars, the fence around the manor house, its balustrade and fountains and other external architectural features.
In 1914, the most valuable parts of the interior were moved to Budapest and a part of them to Tiszadob, Szabolcs County. Until the fall of the Austrian-Hapsburg Monarchy and even after the establishment of the interwar Czechoslovak Republic, the premises of the manor house were taken care of by František Malonay, the manager of the Andrássy's property.
In the 1949 - 1978 period, the manor house was provided to the Hospital and Medical Clinic in Trebišov. It original interior features were largely damaged and modified for healthcare needs. After the hospital and medical centre moved out, the manor house was left in its then-existing conditions for several years.
In 1982, Pamiatkostav š. p. Žilina started to restore the building on the basis of the project documentation prepared by Projektový ústav kultúry, Prešov. The first stage of the restoration was completed on 1st December 1987. It officially ended with the opening of the 'Work and Struggle for Food' exhibition, which documented the history of farming in East Slovakia from the Neolithic Age to the presence.
Currently, the manor house serves as the headquarters of the Museum of National History and Geography (Vlastivedné múzeum), which uses the premises of the manor house and neighbouring listed objects for its exhibitions. The ground-level Baroque buildings with gable façades, which were later altered, form a part of the manor house premises. These are, for instance, the riding hall, the horse stable, the stable staff building, the outbuilding and the kitchen. Apart from the horse stable, the Baroque features of these buildings were preserved and form a natural part of this noble residence.
Mausoleum of Count Gyula Andrássy
The Mausoleum of Count Gyula Andrássy is one of the most valuable listed landmarks in Trebišov. It was built in the neo-Gothic order in 1893 according to a project of the German architect Arhur Meining. The sarcophagus made between 1893 and 1895 is the work of the Budapest sculptor Juraj Zala.
It is the place where Count Gyula Andrássy has been buried since 1894 (he died in 1890 and was firstly buried in the crypt of the local Roman Catholic church).